Gachiakuta (ガチアクタ) is a Japanese manga series that follows the story of Rudo, a young boy living among the “tribesfolk”—descendants of criminals exiled to the slums by a wealthy society. The upper class throws everything they consider trash, including criminals, into a massive dump site called “The Pit.” Rudo’s foster father, Regto, tells him that his biological father was dumped into The Pit before he was born. One day, Rudo comes home to find Regto murdered, and despite his innocence, he’s falsely accused due to his status as a tribesman. He is sentenced and thrown into The Pit, where he awakens in a world of endless trash. Attacked by beasts made of garbage, Rudo is saved by a man named Enjin, who reveals that Rudo has fallen from “The Sphere” to the surface. After helping Rudo awaken his powers as a “Giver,” Enjin invites him to join the Cleaners, an organization that hunts trash beasts using unique weapons called “vital instruments.” Rudo agrees to join, hoping it will help him return to The Sphere and seek revenge on those who wronged him.